Daniel Abarca

  • Graduated from Harvard University & 4+ years of experience as an alumni interviewer
  • 10+ years of education experience across tutoring, college counseling, success coach, and teacher at Teach for America (one of the most competitive teaching positions to get in the US and distinguished within the top 5% of teachers)
  • Demonstrated track record of helping students get accepted into Ivy League & Top 10/20 universities for both STEM & non–STEM majors and some of the most competitive programs/internships in the US (MIT Research Science Institute (RSI), Bank of America Student Leaders, etc.)

Corinne Smith

  • Graduated from Northwestern University (Bachelor’s & Master’s); currently pursuing an Ed.D. at UIUC
  • Former Associate Director of Admissions at Yale University where she spent 8 years reviewing 20,000+ applications across all majors and served as a voting member in domestic & international admissions committees
  • Prior experience includes 2 years as an admissions counselor at Northwestern reading 2,000+ applications

Paige Hasson

  • 6+ years of education experience at Columbia University including having reviewed 5,000+ applications across STEM and non-STEM majors
  • Served as an application reviewer and program manager for Columbia’s Pre-college program, having reviewed 3,000+ applications

Albany Vega

  • Graduated from UCLA and holds a Master of Education from the University of Pennsylvania
  • Reviewed 1,400+ applications for undergraduate admissions between Stanford and UC Berkeley across a variety of STEM & non-STEM majors
  • 8+ years of education experience, including helping students gain admissions to the Ivy Leagues and Top 25/50 universities including earning full-tuition scholarships

Samuel Fung

  • Graduated UC Berkeley from their Department of Engineering (ranked #2 in the country; tied with Stanford)
  • Specializes in working with students who are interested in pursuing STEM, healthcare, and business (along with other fields) and has successfully guided them into Ivy League and top 20 universities across the US

Stefan Waldschmidt

  • Graduated from UCLA & received a PhD from Duke University
  • 10+ years of education experience across college counseling, tutoring, and serving as an instructor at Duke
  • Demonstrated track record of mentoring STEM & non–STEM students who matriculated to Top 10/25 universities, including Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Georgetown, Boston University (BS/MD program), and more