Samantha Fifield

  • Graduated from Boston University (Bachelor’s & Master’s Degree) with 10+ years of undergraduate admissions experience at Boston University (7+ years as an Assistant Director)
  • Regularly advised students on the application process and evaluated 10,000+ applications across multiple academic disciplines as a member of the Board of Admissions
  • Current member of the National & International Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC & IACAC) to keep up with college admissions trends & network with admissions officers at universities across the US

Melissa Benski

  • 5+ years of college counseling experience helping students gain admission to Ivy Leagues and top 25 universities (i.e. Yale, Penn, Dartmouth, Duke, Rice, NYU, USC, etc.)
  • Former Associate Director of Undergraduate Admissions at New York University where she’s reviewed over 10,000+ applications including those for Stern School of Business & Tandon School of Engineering before making final admissions decisions

Ray Firmalino

  • Graduated from UC Berkeley & holds a Master of Education from Harvard University and a Master of Science from Columbia University
  • 10+ years of counseling and education experience including teaching, academic advising, and career coaching roles at UC Berkeley, Columbia, and Harvard
  • Strong track record of helping students get accepted to the Ivy League, UCs and other top universities including MIT, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, Carnegie Mellon, NYU, etc.

Audrey Verderaime

  • Graduated from Harvard University (Magna Cum Laude with Highest Honors)
  • Experienced in successfully designing, developing, and consulting on college applications to Ivy League & Top 10/20 universities for a variety of undergraduate majors including STEM, Healthcare/Pre–Med, Business, Psychology, and Pre–Law

Yohan Ahn

  • 9+ years of experience working with students to gain admission to the top 25 universities for both STEM and non–STEM majors (Columbia, University of Penn, University of Chicago, Dartmouth, Johns Hopkins)
  • Helped students get accepted to competitive programs and research internships, including Penn’s M&TSI, MIT BeaverWorks, UCSC SIP, and Harvard Med research labs

Sydney Stein

  • Specializes in advising families with 6th-12th graders interested in attending Ivy Leagues and other top universities for STEM, Business, and Healthcare
  • Experienced in providing actionable strategies, roadmaps, and recommendations for prestigious & competitive summer programs/internships and other extracurricular activities