Ashley Varela

  • Graduated Magna Cum Laude from Boston University; MS in Education from Johns Hopkins University
  • 13+ years of education experience including being a teacher at Teach For America and coaching and mentoring students in writing
  • Track record of helping students gain admission to Top 25/50/75 universities including earning full-tuition scholarships

Alana Newman

  • 8+ years of college counseling experience, having worked with 1,400+ students of STEM and non-STEM backgrounds, including BSMD programs, all across the US with her students gaining acceptance into top 10/25/50 universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Brown, Northwestern, Vanderbilt, USC, and more
  • Holds her Certificate of College Counseling from UCLA, completed her master’s in Strategic Communication from American University, and is a member of the National Association for College Admission Counseling

Crystal Soriano

  • Graduated from UCLA and holds a Master of Education in Education Policy from Columbia University
  • 6+ years of experience in college admissions, guiding STEM and non-STEM students to gain admission into Ivy League and Top 10/25 universities including Harvard, Stanford, UPenn, Carnegie Mellon, Swarthmore, UCLA, and more

Christina Van Epp

  • Graduated from Georgetown University (Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree) and former Georgetown Academic Counselor
  • Served as a member of Georgetown admissions committees and was an alumni interviewer for 7 years
  • 10+ years of education experience across college counseling, high school & college teaching with a strong track record of helping students get accepted into the Ivy Leagues & Top 10/25 universities

William Chung

  • Track record of working with families whose students are interested in STEM, Business, and Healthcare to gain admissions into Ivy Leagues, UCs, and other top universities (Stanford, Caltech, Johns Hopkins, NYU, Duke)
  • Consistently guide students to land prestigious internships/programs (BU RISE Internship, Penn’s M&TSI, Garcia, SUMaC, lowa SSTP, and more) in addition to winning national/international competitions (ISEF, DECA, Conrad Challenge, TSA, ISSCY, etc.)

John Fujita

  • Graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
  • 5+ years experience of college counseling experience with his students gaining acceptances into Harvard, MIT, UPenn, UC Berkeley, and other Top 10/25/50 universities